Changing Hair Color With Photoshop

Tutorial photoshop editing this time is to learn how we change the hair color. My friend does not need to conduct the selection of each strand of hair (too complicated) and the fact this is a very simple trick. We just need a little careful in masking process only. Ok let us prove it together

In this tutorial I will change the color of the artist's hair to red (if friends want other colors it's up)

1. Open the file you wish to change the color of his hair, then duplicate layer named "replica"
 2. Add a blank layer above give the name "color"

3. On the layer "replica", change to black and white with menakan the Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B click OK

4. Give strong contras, to get the selection. Click Image, Adjustment, Brighness / Contras. Tambhakan value of each 150 to brighnes and contras
5. On the layer "color", a friend liked the color input. Then on the set of bending mode select "color".

6. In the color layer, right click select merge down to the remaining dual layer of "replica" and "bacground"

7. Add layer masking "replica", by clicking "Add layer mask"

8. Use brush tool to remove unnecessary images

9. And this is how the results...


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